Ants In My Pants!

September 12, 2014

ant in pants final 450


There is an excellent chance that a situation such as this could cause a wee bit of anxiety and might even make a person feel, ahem, well… darn right antsy.

So one must remember to remain calm. You see, the attention span of an ant is quite short so feigning nonchalance is best. In roughly 10 to 15 minutes the novelty of wearing  your jeans will have warn off. The bored ant will soon run along to find spilt milk or some sugar to walk through.

Possession of your pants and your sanity, regained!



Reworked an old bit of silliness in honor of the ant trails now taking over our home. They might as well be giant, as intrusive as they are.

Oh well, at least the flies (Amityville Horror) are gone.

Bugs, eh? So rude!

fish bike newer 450

Folks using the above saying have obviously never met Fiona Dorsal.

Fiona, unlike many of her species, may not NEED but absolutely prefers a bicycle as her main means of transportation.


Because of abject laziness I am re-posting this lil gal from way back in 2007. In fact, I’m actually re-re-posting for about the third time.

You know, Fiona has evolved, not in a Darwinian way but as a drawing a few times since then.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

January 17, 2014

wolf in sheeps clothing 450Sheila finally solved the mystery of that wet dog smell in her closet.

Felt like it was time for a nice animal idiom.

“Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing:
One would use this idiom to describe a person or thing appearing to be good but is, well, not so much. There seems to be a few different ideas about it’s origin, but here is what Wikipedia has to say about it.

SkADaMo 2013 Day 9

November 9, 2013

cat's pajamas new 450

oIn an effort to assuage the annoyance of my cat Iggy towards all the doggies I’ve been drawing lately, I present to you:

“Cat’s Pajamas”

So, when you get a chance, swing by here and check out my fellow SkADaMoers (yes it’s a word. I know because I just made it up.)


SkADaMo 2013 Day 6

November 6, 2013

Two shakes of a Lamb's tail

“Two Shakes of a Lamb’s Tail”

Ah idioms. Ya gotta love ’em!

So, hey, take a skip over here and check out the other SkADaMo participants and what they’re up to.

SkADaMo Day 19

November 19, 2012

You guessed it, COLD TURKEY!

Got turkeys on the brain for some reason.

Limping along, day 19 for SkADaMo and PiBoIdMo!

Stop by and check out the other SkADaMoer‘s links, over yonder at the bottom of this post.



August 21, 2012

“Pollen.” Mz. Buzzbee, the second grade teacher called out to Beep.

“Pppollen.” Beep stammered. “Can you please use it in a sentence?”


UPDATE Aug. 24 2012

I woke up this morning to find my little bee was pick of the week on Illustration Friday. How exciting!!! Woooo hoooooo!!! Weeeeeeee!!!!!

advent calendar – day 19

December 20, 2009

advent calendar – day 18

December 19, 2009

Daffodil had obviously never heard the term “awkward as a cow on rollerskates.” In fact she seems quite comfortable hauling udder as she tries out the new inline skates Santa brought her.

rare as hen’s teeth

October 18, 2009


While gazing at herself in the mirror this morning, Henrietta was frozen with a sense of pride at being one of the rare hens with teeth.
A bit of a stretch perhaps, what with the Illustration Friday’s word of the week being “frozen.” But being a relatively new user of a Wacom tablet and playing around with Photoshop brushes, I redid an older post today. So, being quite lazy, figured heck, why not post this… heh!

snail’s pace

September 9, 2009


With a strong will you can accomplish just about anything.

The Illustration Friday theme for this week is strong.

IF: drifting

June 23, 2009


SHEEP SLEEP (or Counting Peeps)

Sheila Sheepington-Fleecewater,
found it hard to sleep well.

So she sipped a bit of sweet water, 
while she counted people.


The Illustration Friday theme lends itself to quite a few images this week. However, what immediately comes to my mind is the trouble “drifting” off to sleep insomnia often gives me, as my alter-ego Sheila demonstrates above. (Plus, I wanted another excuse to draw sheep shoes.)


June 16, 2009


If her clothes hadn’t ended up unfolded, severely stretched out and reeking of wet dog, Sheila Sheepington-Fleecewater might have had less of a problem with the wolf borrowing them.


One would use this saying to describe a person or thing appearing to be good but is actually, in fact, bad. There seems to be a few different ideas about it’s origin, but here is what Wikipedia has to say about it.

This week’s Illustration Friday theme is “unfold”. 



December 28, 2008


Mortimer became a mole, not for any political reasons, nor was it a passion for clandestine meetings or intrigue… he simply liked the trench coat and all the cool gadgets.

wag the dog

November 24, 2008




Any case where something of greater significance is driven by something lesser.

Wikipedia says:

“…is taken from the joke: “Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail. If the tail was smarter, the tail would wag the dog.” Interpretations differ as to the meaning of this metaphor. Some suggest the dog is public opinion, and the tail represents the media; the dog is the media, and the tail is political campaigns; or the dog is the people, and the tail is the government…”


While perusing the opinion section of the newspaper, news site, or any of the plethora of political blogs out there on the innerwebs, you will often see the term “Wagging the Dog” being bandied about. It aptly describes any number of political, economic and social situations going on currently and, I suppose, in the past as well.

It’s no secret that the U.S. (and the world) is in the midst of one historical, whopper of a economic crisis. However, because of this and so many other issues of grave concern in my country, it seems to me that recently, more and more of “the dog” (we the people) are becoming increasingly aware and active politically. We’re paying attention, speaking up, writing our representatives, consuming more wisely and some even starting grass roots movements. I feel, if more of us jump on that bandwagon and if we continue in this vein, we may just curtail our “tail” (the government) from wagging us and get it back on our butts where it belongs, serving us… and, of course, eventually as an indicator of how content we are. Like a good tail should.

Of course, this is just my humble opinion.


Illustration Friday theme “Opinion.”

I posted this sketch about a year ago. Seemed great for the theme, so I colorized it in Photoshop and threw it back in the ring, along with an opinion.