HoHoDooDa Day 1

December 1, 2015

Brew-dolph 2


Oh hi!

Announcing (last minute as is tradition) the beginning of HoHoDooDa 2015 (or Holiday Doodle A Day!)

A few Decembers ago, in order to create a shot of creative, mojo-inducing stress to the already jam packed holidays, my fellow illustrator pals, the talented Marion Eldridge and Laura Jacobson along with myself, engaged in a month-long sketch-a-thon. We dubbed it HoHoDooDa, short for Holiday Doodle a Day (hmmm, not really that much shorter. Is it?) We did our best to create a holiday-themed doodle a day… or even every other day… or as often as humanly possible, throughout December.

November was really a challenging month for me and I  realize, what with the holidays and all, it probably seems a little crazy and there may be some gnashing of teeth and tears shed, but overall, I’m sure it will be a blast and very rewarding, as it was in years past. So, doin’ it again this year!

It is entirely possible that I may be the only participant, but anyone who wants to join in is more than welcome! Regardless of what winter holiday you celebrate!

Rules for HoHoDooDa:

“What are the rules for HoHoDooDa?” You may ask…

1. THERE ARE NO RULES! NO SIGN UP! NO REGISTRATION! NO GIVEAWAYS OR GUEST POSTERS!  No regulations, themes, daily words, Facebook pages or anything else resembling organization. Just lots of holidaydoodling, commenting back and forth and hopefully lots of inspiration and craft honing!
HoHoDooDa Doodlers are scoff-laws and Mavricks! (Really, I’m just not that organized.) The only code we live by this month is Doodle! Doodle! Doodle! Doodle everyday from December 1 to December 31, or at least try to.
You may not Doodle every single day, but by golly you will have tried and you’ll have more doodles in your sketchbook at the end of December than you might have otherwise.
So, there’s that!

2. If you send me a link to your blog, (or wherever you are posting your HoHoDooDa doodles) I will keep a running list of all the participants and their links on my blog. This way we can all keep in touch and root each other on and enjoy the sugarplum fruits of each other’s doodle labors.

If you post to your blog it helps if you tag your illustrations HoHoDooDa or create a HoHoDooDa category. If you are posting to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram it helps to add a hashtag (#HohoDooDa.)

It has been my experience that Facebook’s hashtags are not all that reliable, which is why I decided to go back to listing any link you give me.

If there are any broken links, bad links, I forgot anyone, misspelled anyone’s name or any other heinous act was performed, please let me know and I’ll do my best to correct it.

3. Smile, this is fun!

Doodle on my fellow HoHoDooDa Doodlers, (should there be any!)

2 Responses to “HoHoDooDa Day 1”

  1. Hi, Linda! I was sad not to see SkADaMo this year. So, despite the busyness, I decided to sketch along with you in December. You can follow along @BookishAmbition on Twitter. Plus I’ll periodically be posting to my blog, http://bookish-ambition.blogspot.com/ Thanks for the opportunity. Love your work!

    • sketched out Says:

      Oh, I know! Things were very challenging this November. But look for it next November! Glad you’re joining HoHo this year though! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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