HoHoDooDa Day 3 or 9?

December 9, 2020

Puns, like life, are a matter of perspective.

HoHoDooDA 2020 Day 2

December 2, 2020

Oh hey!

Announcing (a day late and a drawing short) the beginning of HoHoDooDa 2020 (or Holiday Doodle A Day!)

Here’s a little something I did back in HoHoDooDa 2017. You didn’t thing I’d be organized enough to have a brand new sketch, did you?

So, what is HoHoDooDa?

Why, thanks for asking.

Back in December 2011, in order to create a shot of creative, mojo-inducing stress to the already jam packed holidays, my fellow illustrator pals, the talented Marion Eldridgeand Laura Jacobson along with myself, engaged in a month-long sketch-a-thon. We dubbed it HoHoDooDa, short for Holiday Doodle a Day (maybe not that much shorter.) We did our best to create a holiday-themed drawing a day… or even every other day… or as often as humanly possible, from December 1 to December 31.

Fast forward to (insert expletive-filled descriptor here) 2020. It would have been easy to just put it off this year, but perhaps some holiday immersion therapy is in order. There may be some gnashing of teeth and it might all end in tears but in the end I’m pretty sure a good time will be had. It may even be as rewarding as it was in years past. So, what the actual hell? Doin’ it again this year! Who’s with me?

Hello? What’s that…? Bueller…?

Alright, it is entirely possible I may be the only participant this year, but anyone who would like to join in is more than welcome, no matter what winter holiday you celebrate! Don’t let the HoHo throw you. This is an all-the-winter-holidays doodle challenge!

Rules for HoHoDooDa:

“What are the rules for HoHoDooDa?” You may ask…

1. THERE ARE NO RULES! NO SIGN UP! NO REGISTRATION! NO GIVEAWAYS OR GUEST POSTERS!  No regulations, themes, daily words, Facebook pages or anything else resembling organization. Just lots of holiday doodling, maybe some commenting back and forth amongst doodlers and hopefully lots of inspiration and craft honing!

We HoHoDooDa Doodlers are scoff-laws and rebels! (Well the truth is, I’m just not that organized.) The only code we live by this month is Doodle! Doodle! and doodle some more, every day from December 1 to December 31. At least try to.

You may not Doodle every single day, but dude, you will have tried and you may have more doodles in your sketchbook at the end of December than you might have otherwise.

So, there’s that!

2. If you are posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., it helps to add #HoHoDooDa and/or #HoHoDooDa2020

If you post to a blog it helps if you tag your illustrations HoHoDooDa 2020 or create a HoHoDooDa category.

3. Smile, this is fun!

Doodle on my fellow HoHoDooDa Doodlers, (should there be any!)

HoHoDooDa 2019 Last Day!

December 31, 2019

nye kitty use 2020

Happy New Year and New Decade to everyone!!!

Walken in a winter wonderland 3

… and here I was thinking I came up with an original idea. A Google search proved me wrong. Oh well…

Merry Christopher Walken!

HoHoDooDa 2019 Day 3

December 3, 2019

Ho Ho Horsing around. (Sorry.)

Looks like the puns are here to stay.

HoHoDooDa 2019 Day 2

December 2, 2019



Starting things off with gnome puns. Tis the season!

HoHoDooDa 2019 Day 1

December 1, 2019

HoHoDooDa hornamint 2019

Oh hey!

Announcing (last minute, as is tradition) the beginning of HoHoDooDa 2019 (or Holiday Doodle A Day!)

If this tiny reindeer looks familiar, it may be because I’ve posted him in the past and he’s been nominated as spokes-critter for this year. Oh, and I realize they’re actually antlers, but antler-ments didn’t really work.

So, what is HoHoDooDa?

Why, thanks for asking.

Back in December 2011, in order to create a shot of creative, mojo-inducing stress to the already jam packed holidays, my fellow illustrator pals, the talented Marion Eldridge and Laura Jacobson along with myself, engaged in a month-long sketch-a-thon. We dubbed it HoHoDooDa, short for Holiday Doodle a Day (maybe not that much shorter.) We did our best to create a holiday-themed drawing a day… or even every other day… or as often as humanly possible, from December 1 to December 31.

Fast forward to 2019 where this November has been a challenging month for all of us. So now, what with the holidays and all, it probably seems crazy to add this challenge to the mix. There may be some gnashing of teeth and it may all end in tears but in the end I’m pretty sure a good time will be had. It may even be as rewarding as it was in years past. So, what the actual hell? Doin’ it again this year! Who’s with me?

Hello? What’s that…? Bueller…?

Alright, it is entirely possible I may be the only participant this year, but anyone who would like to join in is more than welcome, no matter what winter holiday you celebrate! Don’t let the HoHo throw you. This is an all-the-winter-holidays doodle challenge!

Rules for HoHoDooDa:

“What are the rules for HoHoDooDa?” You may ask…

1. THERE ARE NO RULES! NO SIGN UP! NO REGISTRATION! NO GIVEAWAYS OR GUEST POSTERS!  No regulations, themes, daily words, Facebook pages or anything else resembling organization. Just lots of holiday doodling, maybe some commenting back and forth amongst doodlers and hopefully lots of inspiration and craft honing!

HoHoDooDa Doodlers are scoff-laws and Mavricks! (Well the truth is, I’m just not that organized.) The only code we live by this month is Doodle! Doodle! Doodle and doodle some more, every day from December 1 to December 31, or at least try to.

You may not Doodle every single day, but by golly you will have tried and you’ll have more doodles in your sketchbook at the end of December than you might have otherwise.

So, there’s that!

2. If you post to your blog it helps if you tag your illustrations HoHoDooDa 2017 or create a HoHoDooDa category.

If you are posting to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram it helps to add #HoHoDooDa2019 and/or #HoHoDooDa

3. Smile, this is fun!

Doodle on my fellow HoHoDooDa Doodlers, (should there be any!)

Post-Holiday Doldrumoids

January 2, 2019

doldrumoid redo 2019
We’ve always known of their existence. However, for the first time ever, we’ve captured in full, listless despondency, images of what experts commonly refer to as the Post-Holiday Doldrumoid.
This evidence suggests that a Doldrumoid pandemic is in full swing. Action must be taken in order to contain it.
Effective methods for lessening the effects are as follows:
1. Ignore them. Doldrumoids have been known to eventually lose interest in their host and reluctantly disappear after a week or two.
2. Keep that crunchy Christmas tree up for another month along with the exterior icicle lights and inflatable snow globe on your lawn. Do this while continuing to consume cookies three times a day and otherwise ignoring the fact that the holidays are over. This method seems to keep the Doldrumoids at bay, but leaves the door wide open for Lackus Deselfrespectus spors to take hold.
There are no easy answers, but…
3. For those of us who need to get back to business… pronto, there are some drastic measures that can be implemented.
They are as follows:
• Take the tree, inflatable snow globe and exterior lights down.
• Box up holiday decorations.
• Hoist boxes of holiday decorations up into garage rafters.
• Ditch those stale cookies and eat a salad.
• Strap that fitbit on and go to the gym
• Spit the past-due eggnog out, cease posting memes and make that client/employer deadline.
• Close mouth, wipe drool off chin.
In the event none of the above methods prove effective, one can always hold on until February 14 when a virulent strain of Guiltus Cupidus overcomes the weakened Doldrumoids, offering minimal relief to some sufferers.
This has been an important public service announcement. You may now return to your regularly scheduled program.
Thank you.

HoHoDooDa Day 5

December 5, 2018

card shark

Jasper loved making his own holiday cards, up until the salt water disintegrated them.

HoHoDooDa Day 5.

HoHoDooDa Day 1 (late)

December 5, 2018


Happy Hanukkah!

A little late posting this, with a year old sketch, but by golly I’m in the game!

HoHoDooDa Day 1.

HoHoDooDa 2017 fin

December 31, 2017


happy gnu year 2018

I’m not going to wish 2018 to be a good year, I’m going to make it a good year, dammit!

Happy Gnu Year to all of you wonderful people! Love you!

HoHoDooDa 2017 Day 20 post 12

December 20, 2017

Spruced Up card

Redrew an oldie. So, at least I wasn’t completely lazy – and by lazy I mean, holiday overwhelmingness.

HoHoDooDa 2017 Day14 post 11

December 14, 2017

4calling birds 2010

Dusting off an oldie from a “Twelve Days of Christmas” challenge I participated in 7 years ago. 

Silent mites

A friend of mine and pun aficionado, Patricia, suggested this one. It made me giggle, so of  course I had to draw it. Probably should have put them on a hairy arm or something, but I jumped the gun in posting it. Oh well, whaddya gonna do, eh? Here’s some Silent Mites… oh dang, should have put thrown “holey mites” in there too, to complete the pun! Again, whaddya gonna do?

#HoHoDooDa 2017 Day 11 post 8

December 11, 2017


Reindeer, that is!