
Linda Silvestri, is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer, struggling to cope with all the abundant sunshine and warm weather in Southern California.

When not prying one of three cats from her drawing board or liberally applying 30 spf sunscreen (to herself, not the cats), you can find Linda working out of the wee, ranch-style home she shares with her lovely husband, Tom.

With years of freelance experience, utilizing both digital and traditional media, Linda and her whimsical creations have found their way into the editorial, advertising and children’s market. Some of those projects include children’s book illustration, editorial cover and spot art, greeting cards, packaging, posters and logos.

Linda also has tons of experience working with art directors, editors and she plays well with others.

Come visit my website and online portfolio at

All contents posted on this blog are copyright protected ©Linda Silvestri.


84 Responses to “sketched out”

  1. Sharon Says:

    I love your artwork. Is it okay if I link you?

  2. sketched out Says:

    Hi Sharon,

    I don’t mind at all if you link to me. I am very flattered.

  3. Amanda Says:

    Great stuff! Particularly like the elephant.

  4. Hi Linda!

    Your illustration style is really great! Love your animal sketches!
    Thanks for leaving nice comments on my web site (journal)!


  5. Teresa Says:

    Wow! Your work is so delightful and whimsical. Are you an SCBWI member, BTW? I’ll have to put your link on my blog so I’ll remember to come back often.

  6. saucygrrl Says:

    I haven’t told you how much I love your hair have I? And that you look almost exactly like someone I used to work with in an East Coast ad agency? And, did I mention the hair thing already? Totally want to pet it.

  7. zahra Says:


    i will add your url in my google reader…just for my reference…oke…

  8. zaifeena Says:

    absolutely adore your wet chicken and flying pigs (the pig has a martyed expression which cracks me up).
    is it okay with you if i print them and bring them to class as an introduction to idioms?

  9. sketched out Says:

    Sure! I don’t mind at all if you print those drawings out and show them to your class. I am thrilled that they can be used as an intro to idioms for your class.

  10. zaifeena Says:

    thank you!!! much much appreciated.

  11. Tammie Says:

    So wonderful that you want to be accountable to yourself. This is your life, live it fully! Years ago i had an image of being on my deathbed, and I looked at my life (which I loved) and I thought “this is nice, but perhaps there is something more I am to experience”. I shut down two businesses put my stuff in storage and traveled for nearly two years and now live somewhere else. In the being accountable we are more alive.

  12. hey linda,
    i just stumbled across this great fish sketch you did back in november 2007 [the fish on the bicycle] – I am writing a story for my blog about sustainable fisheries and would love to use your illustration. I have no $$, just appreciation so if that’s not cool just say the word, no problem.

    your stuff is great!


  13. sketched out Says:

    Tammie, wow, that sounds really wonderful and very brave! You’ve inspired me further! Thanks for your comments.

  14. sketched out Says:

    Hey Melissa, no problem. Go ahead and use the Fish on a Bicycle image. I’m very flattered. If you wouldn’t mind linking back to me or mentioning me as the artist, that would be great.

    Thanks for the compliment and appreciation! Also, your story sounds really interesting. Can’t wait to read it.

  15. You should contact Donna Miller (art director) at National Wildlife Federation in Reston Va. She is always looking for people who can cartoon animals with character. Their # is 703-438-6000.

  16. AaronP Says:

    Great blog! I’m really enjoying it. How do you find working for the ad agency, I do some work for agencies, but it tends to leave me somewhat cold at times. It is, as you say, a living though, and to draw for a living sure beats doing anything else.
    It’s great to get to know you through your work. Like most artists, you seem to have a large repertoire of different media etc-cool. Have you popped over to my band’s page to have a listen to our music yet?:
    (have a listen if your ‘skectic hedule’ allows you 5 mins.)
    Q) How do you get your blog out to a wider audience (roughly translated…) How do I get My blog out to a wider audience? All this networking is new to me, but it really is fun!

    Great blog! All the best, Aaron.
    ps, I’m updating mine at a rate of knots, so check back often.

  17. shino Says:

    Good Sketches

  18. John Says:

    Hi Linda.the stuff on your site,great,very thought provocating cant really do good stuff like that
    do some messing about in paint brush on the computer
    if you wan’t to see tell me how to send them
    T.T.F.N. John

  19. AaronP Says:

    I’m Glad you were able to make it over to the band’s site Linda… we need all the airplay we can get for when the album comes out in July.

  20. Hi Linda,

    I wonder if I could post your drawing and poem, “Wrinkles The Rhino,” on my blog. I feature rhinos in all my posts and occasionally just post some rhino art and prose just for fun. Your artwork is great. I would acknowledge your credit for the work and link back to your sight.


  21. sketched out Says:

    Hi Ralph,

    Sure, you can post Wrinkles the Rhino. I am flattered you would want to use it… and thanks for asking.

    Your blog looks like a lot of fun and very original, I’ll have to give it a closer read, when I get a chance. Been a bit busy this week.

    Thanks, Linda

  22. howellkor Says:

    I love your flying pigs.
    I would like to request your permission to use the pigs on a new Web page I’m putting together for my band, When Picks Fly.
    I’d be happy to give you credit on the page and link back to your work if you’d like.

    Your blog is great fun.

  23. sketched out Says:

    Hi Kathy,

    Sure, you can use the Flying Pigs image for your website. I’m glad you like them and I’m flattered you’d like to use them. I’d love for you to send me your URL when your finished. I’d love to see the website.

    Thanks, Linda

  24. Alan Parrott Says:

    I’m with the Bicyclists of Iowa City, and with the ongoing flooding of our state our club would like to use your picture of the fish on a bike on this year’s RAGBRAI (Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) t-shirt to be distributed (only) to our 150 members who will be riding next month on RAGBRAI XXXVI.
    The shirts will not be for sale to the public and are not licensed or approved officially by the Des Moines Register, but let me know about a suitable fee for the use of your art.
    Alan Parrott

  25. sketched out Says:


    Sure, you certainly may use the Fish on a Bike drawing for you t-shirts. I
    am thrilled that it will be used for such a cool event.

    The image on my site is very low resolution. I can send you a higher
    resolution image, more suitable for printing on a t-shirt. I can email it
    this evening when I get back to my home office, if you’d like.

    Don’t worry about a fee, it’s my pleasure. But, if it’s possible, I’d love
    it if you could email me a photo of someone wearing the t-shirt.

    Thanks, and good luck with everything!


  26. Brandon Says:


    I’m with Illinois CancerCare in Peoria, Illinois and came across your drawing called hot flashes from the post “my own personal summer.” We are designing a poster for a clinical trial that is going to go live here on Monday with a radio spot to the public.

    I was wondering if I could use your drawing on a flyer that I will be creating for this clinical trial to post around the building here in Peoria at the Peoria Cancer Center.

    Please let me know about a suitable fee for the use of your art would be. I think the image speaks for the trial and we would love to use your art on the flyer. Please let me know when you get chance.


  27. Jan Smith Says:

    Dear Linda~


    You are oozing with delightfully amusing talent!!

    I just stumbled upon your blog, and I have now added it as a favorite!

    Love, love, love your work!!! It’s fresh and fun and sweet and adorable!! Bravo!!

    Warmest regards,

    Jan S. Smith
    Creative Director
    BestLight Creative

  28. Kim Estes Says:

    Wow! What an amazing talent you have. I was wondering if, from time to time, I can showcase your work in my blog – complete linkback and credit. My blog ( – which is in the construction phase until my host provider can fix my wordpress database) is for instructional technology, educational technology, and generally using technology in the classroom.

    I love your work and your blogging is fantastic!
    Kim Estes – Instructional Technology Specialist, Burleson ISD

  29. Avi Says:

    Hi Linda,
    I’m with this design project in Asia where people can send out a printed greeting card for free of charge from online. We are at the early stage of that and trying to gather some artworks for people to send. And I was wondering if we could use some of your existing works as our greeting cards.

    The cards are to be send from the website for free and there is a sponsor who will pay for the printing and postage cost. I was interested in works like the elephant for “hot day” or the cow for “petrol rise” or the monkey and Shakespeare for “teachers day”. Please let me know your fees for using your artwork.

    By the way, I tried to locate your email but I could not find your email address, so posting it here.


  30. sketched out Says:

    Hi Avi,

    The greeting card project sounds really great! I’m very flattered that you would like to use some of my art. Took a look at the Enveluv website and thought it looked very nice. However, I would be interested in finding out a bit more information about it and how the art will be used.

    Thank you very much,

  31. Amber Says:

    Hi Linda,
    I am a singer in Australia. Your bunny drawings are fantastic and I have been looking for inspiration for a tattoo i would like to get.
    After seeing your bunny sketches I was wondering if you would allow me to use your artwork scooter buns and also backflipping bunny for my tattoos (plural as after seeing your work I would like to have 2 done now). I would like to modify your artwork a little such as not including the easter eggs but basically it’s your art ideas so I thought it would be respectful to you and your artwork to ask your permission to use them.
    All the Best

  32. Terry Golson Says:

    Hi Linda-
    I came across your site looking for “mad as a wet hen.” I’ve got a web site ( with a live streaming webcam of my chickens AND pet bunny (who, by the way, has a wicked sense of humor and teases the chickens.) Anyway, I thought that my girls might inspire your drawings.

  33. Jeff Porter Says:

    Hey my name is Jeff and I was curious what it would take to get a two-word text link from your site hyperlinked to ours ( We are a relatively new company and we are trying to improve our page ranking on Google. We are operating on a small budget, but would be willing to give a tungsten ring from our site or an ipod etc. in exchange for a link. Let me know what we would need to do to make this happen. Thanks in advance for any help you can give us. By the way, I enjoyed spending time looking at all of your sketches, I have a sketch book that I still add to from a college art class. Unfortunatly I’m not as creative as you, but I have a lot of fun with it.

    Thanks again,
    Superior Wedding Rings

  34. Jeanne Says:

    Just stumbled on your site. Hope you don’t mind if I sit down a while and make myself to home. Your work is enchanting, hysterical and just plain makes me smile. Thank you.

  35. Hi There…
    Well, I just tripped over your site on a search for something compeltely different and came face to face with exactly what I love! Wonderful work!!
    I would really love to get a hold to you and talk about something I am working on. I have been looking for an illustrator and your style and imagination are a fantastic fit!!
    Please email me and tell me how to get in touch w/ you. I am also in LA and while I know you are busy, I think you might find what I have in mind something very worthwhile hearing about.

    I am so tickled to have found you!!!

  36. Hilary Says:

    Hey there! I absolutely love your artwork!! I work in a different medium but my ideas are a lot like those of yours…cats being foolish while trying to get birds…fish and other things they love. haha…I absolutely love your piece with the cat hanging from the tree with the bird in front of him. I have one a little painting like that of two cats on a bird house. Keep up the amazing artwork! 🙂

  37. Hi Linda,
    Happy Holiday weekend!
    I thought I would try again to reach you this way before tapping other sources next week. I would REALLY love to get in touch and discuss a project with you that I think might well appeal. I know you are working full time, but this is something fun and on the side. I am so in love with your illustrations and they are perfect for a book/film/online project I have called “The Impossible Zoo” (it is copyrighted and screenplay is also at teh WGA). When I tripped across your Sneezle, I knew I’d found a kindred spirit. Really…Imagine if a character like Harry Potter landed on a planet at a wacky zoo that made Star Wars’ bar scene look tame? Care to be part of the next Harry Potter series? This has all the potential.
    If you have a moment please DO email me at:
    I look forward to hearing from you.

  38. Berni Says:

    Wow, your art is amazing and so much fun!!

  39. Matt D. Says:

    Great works here! I spent about an hour scrolling through your work and love it. Wondering if I can use your “cats away/mice play” drawing … my dad, a Nashville pastor, was in a near fatal car accident a few months ago and we have been updating his progress on our website … he finally came home last week. Tonight, Mom (the mouse) went out for the first time, whild Dad and grandkids (the mice) played all evening. I will put a link back to your site. Thanks.
    Matt D.

  40. renee r. Says:

    you’ve inspired me.
    – thank u.

  41. Elizabeth Says:

    Hi Linda…I have been lurking here for sometime now and just find your illustrations so charming and fun. I’d love to write a blog entry about your work if you wouldn’t mind and include a copy of one of your illustrations for that entry. I’d also like to link the title to your blog so others might find you. Do you sell any of your work (originals/prints)? If so, I’d like to mention that as well. I’ll wait to hear back from you. Again, thank you for the thoughtful blog entries and your enchanting illustrations!

  42. John Says:

    Hi Linda, Your artworks and illustration really surprised me. Would you mind I use your sketch on english idioms for my assignment?


  43. Sue Says:

    Hi Linda,

    I too have a request. I am doing a school assignment on children and divorce and have to do a small informational guide to early elementary children dealing with divorce. I googled images about scared hiding under bed and found Monster2 and your website. I just have to turn it into my teacher but could I use your sketch in my guide? Divorce is scary but I like how your picture shows that the kids don’t have to hide under the bed.

  44. kris Says:

    great design, style–very inpspiring…thanks for showing up online. i love your drawings.

  45. drusilla Says:

    Your artwork is wonderful! I will add you to my blog roll and visit often! A very happy New Year to you! Drusilla

  46. I really like how many styles you have in your work.

  47. Linda, our small no-kill animal shelter plans an open house with the theme The Cat’s Pajamas Party. Might we use your 3 of your kitty illustrations in the brochure announcing this event? We would obviously credit your wonderful art and label it as Used with Permission; May not be copied. Our website is Thank you for considering our request.

  48. Alec MacLeod Says:

    Ms. Silvestri,
    I was very pleased to stumbleupon your site, especially the illustrations of animal idioms. These are really clever and nicely drawn. I have added a link from my own site to yours.

  49. Lenard Says:

    I love Wrinkles the Rhino! He’s so cute. While the opening would be waaaay off, I have a dream of opening a pub/bookstore thing that I’ve considered calling the Reading Rhino. An image like that would make an awesome sign!

  50. Brian Wiele Says:

    Linda — I like your artwork. I’m doing a local church seminar on the Bible’s two great commandments, loving God w/ heart, soul, mind and strength. Defining them each is an interesting labor — using a word picture like an airplane is helpful. Can I use your picture of the man flying for the prop, with pointers to the heart (cockpit), soul (system), mind (computers) and strength (engine). Thanks. If you’d like, I’ll send you a copy of the whole workbook. I’m not charging for the seminar; it will be for about 30 people.

    Brian Wiele

  51. Jessica Says:

    Simply excellent sketches!

  52. Lisa Campbell Says:

    I am impressed! Please send me your e-mail address. I would like to chat with you regarding an upcoming speech I am to give with hand outs. You ROCK!!!

  53. Jody Says:

    I’m looking for a logo, that looks somewhat like the raccoon sketches on this web-site.

    Would that be possible? And how much? Loved your art.


  54. Jody Says:

    I would like a sketch, similar to the raccoon cartoon character’s on this website I am looking for a logo. I love the work at this site!

    Would that be possible?


  55. Loni Edwards Says:

    I want to live my real life, (thank you Oprah). Oh yes, I can sooooo relate 🙂

  56. Jane Hardin Says:

    Linda, please excuse me if this is a duplicate. I lost internet connectivity for a bit and I don’t think my other comment made it to you but I am not sure.

    Here is yet another request! (I read the chain of comments here.)

    I have a blog at I am wondering if I could possibly use your “Empty Head” sketch from October 18, 2007 in a post?

    I love your work!


  57. Ursul Says:

    Hello Linda,

    I have a request too, if I may. I too have a blog thecitybear(dot)com, written in Romanian. I would really like to use one of your drawings in one of my posts. It’s the EARLY RISERS sketch, that you posted on March 10, 2008 in “…and bears, oh my!”. Of course I would specify the source of the sketch.

    I hope that your response will be a positive one. 🙂 If not, I can accept that.
    But leaving that aside, I really like your drawings.

    Thanx a lot,

  58. Wens Says:

    Love your dreamy work. 🙂

  59. Nandini Says:

    hey linda,
    im a student of graphic design from india, and i was just goin through all the illustrations of illustration friday…n i came across urs…loved ur work..great and inspirational.. 🙂 all the best

  60. Jenna Nelson Says:

    I was searching for a image of a fun raccoon for my vision board/ book cover for the children’s book series I am creating. Often when picture books are published the author has little say who the illistrator is, but I am writng because I love your illistrations and they seem to match the pictures in my head! I am wondering if you wouldn’t mind me printing your bowling raccoon for my personal “vision book cover”. I would love to be in contact for when I do need some illistrations. I can provide more details as to the book/series if this is of interest to you!

    Thank you for your time, I am looking forward to see what comes!
    Jenna Nelson

  61. drawforjoy Says:

    Hi! I love your drawings. Your blog looks very good, and you have great ideas!

  62. aaronpocock Says:

    Hi Linda,

    Hope things are all fine and dandy in your world…
    Great art from you as usual. Nothing for the past week or so though?!!…

    Not sure if you’ve seen it, but I’ve been blogging again, thoroughly enjoying it:

    maybe pop by if you get a minute or two.

    Look after yourself,

  63. Tai Terry Says:

    Hi Linda,

    I love love love your drawing! They are just fantastic! You are a very talented person with a great sense of humor. I was wondering if I could purchase some of your drawing and have them signed by you? Also, I am wondering if you might be willing to create a t-shirt design for our elementary school?

    Your work is absolutely fabulous!

    Look forward to hear from you.

    Tai Terry

  64. Hello Linda,

    Love your work and your style. It’s so inspiring and so witty. Well done! By the way, I’ve just featured your entry done on July 30, 09 for Hot Chicks via my blog 🙂 As a fellow graphic designer and illustrator, I love coming across various web sites featuring people’s work. It’s so inspiring, so thank you for doing great work. Keep it up.

    Looking Forward To Seeing More,
    Monica Cevallos

  65. kevbrett Says:

    Love your work, and really want to get regular updates, am I being blind but I can’t see an RSS feed option…

    again, love your work


  66. muddybunny Says:

    I found you whilst searching for “running nose”. If you ever want to do painty, arty sketches for an English learning website, do get in touch. 🙂

  67. Jen Says:

    I’ve been following your blog for some time now and quite enjoy all your characters. I’ve added a link to your site on my little blogroll. Someday, maybe, I’ll have as many posts and characters as you!

    Stop by, I’ll make tea!

  68. metricsman Says:

    Hi Linda,

    My name is Don Bartholomew and I write a social media measurement blog as Metricsman ( It is an ‘amateur’ blog – I don’t make it money from it. I receive about 5,000 page views per month. I am writing a blog post titled, Don’t Let the Tool Tail Wag the Measurement Dog. The premise of the post is that the tool you use should not dictate your measurement approach. Last night I was looking for a suitable image to use and happened upon your great work. I love your illustrations and the humor behind them. Your recent work for the Ripple cause is outstanding.

    Would you be willing to let me use your ‘Wag the Dog’ illustration (Nov 24, 2008) on my blog? It is exactly what I was trying to find for my post. In addition to showing your copyright on the image of course, I will put a link to your website at the end of my post. While I can’t afford to pay you fair value for the use, I will make a donation to the Ripple cause as a small gesture of my appreciation.

    Thanks very much for your consideration. Warm regards, Don B

    Don Bartholomew
    Facebook: DonBartholomew

  69. William Says:

    Hi Linda cool stuff
    do you do custom artwork?

    Im trying to find a artist to draw up some ideas I have, and let me know what you would charge

    Thanks Hun

    you can get back to me at
    please let me know thanks

    I just needed some sketch type drawings

  70. Olga Says:

    i enjoy your style

  71. lini8791 Says:

    Hi my name’s Shalini, i’m new to this blog thing! i’ve just made one and i really like your work it inspires me 🙂 would it be okay if i added you?

  72. Ellie Says:

    I abosuluty adore your’e drawings. Great work , I want to become an artist someday. Thanks for the inspiration.:)

  73. Ellie Says:

    I love your artwork. I want to become an artist someday. Thanks for the inspiration.

  74. Alex Says:

    Viva Linda! Exceptional artist and illustrations! Very inspiring and fun…and funny 🙂

  75. Mustachio Says:

    I love your sketches!!! I wish I knew how to draw 🙂 Can I post one of your sketches in my blog (of course will include a link to this blog)?

  76. Hi my name is Gabriel Nunez. I am starting up a clothing line and was curious about one of your sketches. Could you please contact me at when you get a chance to chat more about possibly selling me a piece or helping me to create a design for a project I have in mind. Paid of course….Thanks hope to hear from you soon!

  77. darkveda9 Says:

    What a nice blog.. your explanations’re as cute as your drawings. I think you sould publich your work and become a children’s writer.

    I wanted to ask your permission to print the icture of the glo-bug reading a book on a t-shirt for myself. Please let me know.

    Thanks so much and keep up the good work.


  78. PapaSakura Says:

    i love your drawings and artwork. thank you for sharing them. i dream of one day being a children’s book illustrator. dream. if nothing else, that’s what i’ll do. at least i can dream well. 🙂

  79. mane man Says:

    Great work, I’m seriously impressed. Glad I stumbled onto your page!

  80. Miss Magoo Says:

    Following you is like being under a magical spell :o) A great one of course ! Thank you !

  81. I may be overlooking, but I am trying to subscribe to your blog. I also saw a SkaDaMo posted by Kathryn Ault Noble. I want to do this too. I am also doing the PiBoIdMo and hope to do the 12×12 in 12. 🙂 very inspiring !!

  82. writingbolt Says:

    I don’t think you are sketched out, yet. But, you must be a pancake by now. Why? Because you’ve been FLATTERED so often:P hehe

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