November 3, 2011

Woke up thinking about my late, great soul-mate kitty, the ever whiney, cantankerous, bossy yet somehow adorable Joey. So I drew ‘im.


Ya see, it’s November and all the cool challenges are well under way. There’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month, of which I am a participant of.) There are probably a bunch more, but suffice it to say, November is a busy month for some.

So I thought just to heap even more onto my plate, I’d make November a “sketch a day month” for myself. Just trying to get back to the early days of my blog when I feverishly posted just about every single day. When my synapses seemed to be firing on all cylinders and ideas where presenting themselves to me faster than I could sketch or write them down.

Sigh. Those were good days.

Not sure if this exercise will get me back to that place, but I figure between attempting a picture book idea a day and a sketch/blog post a day, I’ll at least have a notebook/sketchbook/blog filled with chicken scratches of some sort or another.

Better than blank pages, I say.

Anywho, it’s November 3rd and ordinarily I might say to myself, dude you need three sketches today to catch up. But no. Not gonna do it.

It starts today.

Ends November 30.

So pppphhhhhtttttttt INNER CRITIC!
Phhhhtttttttttttppph to you and the horse you rode in on.

15 Responses to “SkADaMo”

  1. Kevin Parks Says:

    Awesome, I know you will create some astounding ideas!

    I was thinking of doing the same thing for December. I have an idea that will require 24 illustrations so I thought wouldn’t it be clever to post one each day from Dec. 1-24 and then give everyone the finished book for Christmas. Reading your post may have given me the push to actually go for it and not just think about it. Thanx for the inspiration and I agree, – pppphhhhhtttttttt to inner critics. Now go kick some Picture book booty!

    • sketched out Says:

      Thanks for the encouragement Kevin! I’m also very intrigued by your 24 illustration idea! I’m thrilled if I could have inspired you! Weeeee, let’s kick some illustration butt!

  2. Vicki Says:

    I’d been thinking about Joey lately, so when I saw this, I was delighted.

  3. khwhitaker Says:

    Wow, I should do this. I rarely post on my blog these days. So little time, so many things to do ;o Cute kitty, I love his expression.

  4. Good luck! Great start with Joey – he looks perplexed and well fed!

    • sketched out Says:

      Thanks Caroline! He was a plump lil fella, and always a bit incredulous. “Why am I not getting every single thing I desire, right here, right now… mrrrrrrrrow!” You would often hear him say.

  5. Julie Says:

    LOVE the idea and you shushing your inner critic. Can’t wait to see all your sketches.

  6. erin Says:

    Oh Joey is so cute… I’m missing my kitty too

    • sketched out Says:

      I miss your kitty too, and I haven’t even met. But by the way you portray her, I’m pretty sure she was an awesome kitty. To Furball and Joey!!! The greatest kitties ever!

  7. Oh, for all the things one can accomplish with a cat on one’s lap.

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