ceiling the deal

February 1, 2008



Eddy Van Schmeeling,
hung from the celing,
causing his mother to frown.

“Get down boy!” she pled.
Then smiling he said,
“Why mom? You’re the one upside down!”



Today I feel very honored and humbled because in addition to recieving the “You Make My Day” award from Roberta Baird of “A Mouse in the House,” last week, a few more of my blogger buddies, Kim Coles of “I’m With Sully”, Julia, of “Bobo Miow” and Alicia Padrón of “My Place Over the Hill” bestowed the “You Make My Day” award upon me over the past week.

All four of these ladies have made this whole blogging experience so much fun and along with a whole bunch of other folks, have made me feel like I’m part of a big, fat, creative community, that I just love! Thanks guys!

Here is how it works:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the “You Make my Day Award” logo with a link to the post that I wrote. (Optional)
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.

So now I pick 5 people who make my day. Not an easy thing to do, since there are a bunch of you guys who have kick butt blogs and who stop by and give tons of encouragement. But here goes:

Colleen of The Frog Blog

Angela of Angelato

Eugenia Gina of dua mata saya

Eli of Art by Eli

Radha of Ratlion’s Den

All 5 are seriously talented and just a bunch of really nice folk. Thanks to all!

7 Responses to “ceiling the deal”

  1. Bobo Says:

    Love the similar expression of both mother and son. Naughty naughty boy, come down or you’ll get a good whip. Ooobs, deprecation from all corners of the world, we now practicing the love education! I’m sorry guys (head down)! Julia, have you heard this?

  2. gina Says:

    wow! thks Linda, it is very nice of you 😀

  3. artseafartsea Says:

    Cute blog. Congrats on all your awards.

  4. i would’ve given it to you too.

  5. studio lolo Says:

    I wanted to give the award to every one of my blogging pals! You deserve it Missy 😉

  6. kim Says:

    Your kindness and awesome talent make you such a great candidate for the award! No wonder we all picked you 🙂

  7. snowee Says:

    You deserve many many accolades my seriously talented dear!!

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