
February 24, 2009


Fortunately for jazz lovers everywhere, Maynard (the hottest clarinet player this side of the pond), decided to ignore his animal instinct and follow instead, his bliss.


I’m very excited to announce that my Catpid won second place at the Anti-Valentines Day contest over at Dabbled! I waited until the last minute to enter but it paid off. 

If you get a chance hop on over to Dabbled and check it out. There’s always something fun going on over there.

21 Responses to “instinct”

  1. Jess Says:

    Congratulations Linda!

  2. eugenia gina Says:

    haha, anti valentines day? 😀 that original..
    This remind me Of Louis from the Trumpet of the Swan, very nice 🙂

  3. Ratlion Says:


    Hurrah for Maynard!

    (Oh, and Congratulations!)



  4. Mary Says:

    What a guy! I’d love to hear him play! Congratulations on the award!

  5. Faruffa Says:

    … we are on the same wavelength :o)

  6. bobo & Julia Says:

    Woohoohoo, very powerful lung capacity, it’s must be a tremendous perfomance!
    Another great character, Linda! You never fail to make us smile!
    Congrats on the win, yours my favorite!

  7. Sean Ashby Says:

    That’s cool! Love the poem!

  8. Maynard can play his smooth jazz on my side of the pond anytime!

    Cute idea and character Linda…
    Congrats on the Anti Valentine!

  9. Such a fun illustration! Beats floating on a pond all day! Congrats on your win!

  10. artseafartsea Says:

    Congrats on the award. That is a pretty big duck but cute. Very original of course.

  11. That, I think, is the coolest duck I’ve ever laid eyes on! Play it, Maynard, play it!

    And congratulations on your win! Catpid rules!

  12. Loni Edwards Says:

    This is such a cool illo! I love the colors you chose and the cool jazz musicians in the background. Congrats on the award 🙂

  13. studio lolo Says:

    I like the way he purses his duck lips 😛
    Maynard is very coooooool and laid back! Good for him for following his bliss. Go Maynard!!

    (I think someone ought to throw a little less bread in the pond if you know what I mean!)

    This is another smile producer 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Congrats on Catpid!!!!

  14. Angela Says:

    Ooooo, play that funky music white duck! This guy looks like he’s filled with enough hot air to keep playing all night long. He’s got great style, and looks like a groovy backup band to boot. Love the spotlight. 🙂

    Congrats on your award winning Catpid!!! Well deserved!!

  15. elizabeth Says:

    Ooh, I love the background figures. Subtle, but fully realized.

  16. C U T E !!!! I have SO missssssed your blog!

  17. soulbrush Says:

    this is fantastic. and congrats.

  18. Trisha Says:

    Very kool Duck…..Disco Duck watch out. The coolest duck of the 21st Century!!

    Anti-Valentines Day…wow, very kool. Congrats girlfriend!

  19. yoon see Says:

    I love the potlight here. What a great solo!

  20. linda, your characters are so full of life.

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