
May 26, 2009


Murgatroyd was just your average, run-of-the-mill Easter bunny, until that fateful day he hopped into Bob’s Music Center, picked up his very first axe and felt the pure, raw, egg-cracking power of the Flying V.


I was looking for some excuse to post M-Royd again and although it’s a bit of a stretch I found one with this week’s Illustration Friday theme “cracked.” (sigh) I love it when a plan comes together.


May 20, 2009



I might not be the brightest kid
I know I’m not courageous
but that awful bird and swine thing,
is really quite contagious
I think I might have caught it,
so I need to ask some things.
Will my nose get long and piglike,
and my shoulders sprout out wings?
I guess I shouldn’t worry,
and make a big tadoo,
because all that would happen
the same day that swine flu.


I might not be the brightest kid,
I know I’m not courageous,
but that awful bird and swine thing,
is really quite contagious!

I think I might have caught it,
so I need to ask some things.
Will my nose become all piglike,
and my shoulders sprout out wings?

I guess I shouldn’t worry,
and make a big to-do,
because those things would happen,
the same day that “swine flu”.

– Linda Silvestri


This week’s Illustration Friday prompt is (oddly (0;) “Contagious.”


May 14, 2009


Bertram Bunnyweather began to realize, his earlier aching bunions had actually been an omen of the Carrot Festival parade being rained on. That, or perhaps the need to purchase some Dr. Scholl’s foot care products.


The Illustration Friday theme this week is “Parade”.


May 4, 2009


In the hierarchical structure of this family, guess who comes out on top.


The “Illustration Friday” theme this week is “heirarchy.