rat race

November 2, 2007


If you look up “Rat Race” on Wikipedia, this is what you’ll find:

A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape whilst running around a maze or in a wheel. In an analogy to the modern city, many rats in a single maze run around making lots of noise bumping into each other, but ultimately achieve nothing (meaningful) either collectively or individually.

Can anyone relate? Can I get a witness?

I felt it was a fitting post for a Friday night, having just recently left the rat race behind. There’s a shot of Jameson on deck. Ahhhhhh, not anymore. All better.

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. — Lily Tomlin

8 Responses to “rat race”

  1. visualkaos Says:

    I know all about that race.
    Remember who gets to drive most of the time!

  2. Helena C. Rådström Says:

    Yes, definitely been part of it, until I started asking the big one, “Why?” Then I get this answer, “C’est la vie.” I kept my mouth shut but my brain is till asking the big one! So, I dropped out, shipped out and have been drawing since. What a huge relief!

  3. Tom Says:

    Hi there,

    I’ve started a game called rat race, it’s a long story, to make it short, I would like your ok, to use your pic on my home page, because it looks just too funny.

    Please let me know if that’s ok, otherwise, please let me know as soon as possible! Because some of my friends, use it already, and I have it actually from them.

    Regards, and if you need to know more, email me please.

    Regards, Thomas Hänseler.

    I would of course link to your page …

    or display your article on mine, whichever you like.


  4. Scott Mueller Says:

    I would like to use your sketch for a small direct mail piece of about 5000 pieces. How can I get permission?
    Is it even possible?
    Scott Mueller

  5. Adam Khan Says:

    There’s a way out of the rat race. Realize you don’t need much to be happy. And then catch yourself having forgotten this truth, and remind yourself again.

  6. bobweasel Says:

    I’ve posted this image as an illustration to my blog post here. I’ve linked back to this page and given you credit. Hope that’s OK!

  7. Julia Baker Says:

    Hey great picture… I’ve borrowed it to be my facebook photo profile and credited you. I am sharing with my friends the dismay that I have been caught in the rat race.

    Hope you don’t mind, let me know if you do and I will take it down! Cheers Julia

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