
May 19, 2008

Ogden paid no heed to his mom as she warned him his mouth would “stay that way” if he kept making goofy faces.


The Illustration Friday theme this week is “Wide.”

41 Responses to “wide”

  1. enigma Says:

    oh this is sooo cute!!!
    i love your artworks!

  2. Pinot Says:

    wide ribbit, ribbit! very cute!

  3. emily Says:

    I can’t stop laughing!
    too cute!

  4. ratlion Says:

    He is most definitely one of your best characters! He looks so cute and goofy ‘wide-mouthed’!
    Really like the soft colouring on this one too.

  5. What a cute little guy. I looked back through your other illustrations – you have a very clear way of showing a story through your artwork. Well done!

  6. carli Says:

    I LOVE him!

  7. Mary Says:

    Love it! Really funny and cute!

  8. Brine Blank Says:

    That’s awesome…

  9. AHHH!!!! Too much!! This is too much Linda!!
    Love it …. It’s got the perfect ingredients for me.. cuteness, cleverness and humor!

    I want to see this everyday, I want to wake up and see it first thing in the morning. It makes me so happy :o)

  10. Faruffa Says:

    he he he!!!
    I’m laughing and laughing and laughing!
    too much fun

  11. So hilarious!!! Great art work and design. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. studio lolo Says:

    It was worth the wait!! (I’ve been checking every day. No pressure.)
    You’re one of 2 people who can actually elicit a belly laugh from me ๐Ÿ˜€
    I can hear him saying “nanner nanner nanner”

  13. Gigi Moore Says:

    That’s so funny. Great Character.

    gigi :O)

  14. tombarrett Says:

    You know… he won’t get too many princesses coming to call either!

    He needs a good tongue lashing!

  15. studio lolo Says:

    Okay, I had to come back to tell you that I pulled my mouth open to see if “nanner” would come out sounding different with one’s lips in that manner. I could barely stretch my mouth…but not only that, I split my lip trying!! I only realized it when I tasted a faint hint of blood.
    My husband is on the floor. Still. ten minutes later, I swear.

  16. Nice lovely soft colors. And the pink in the water is interesting, its like the flowers are reflected/underwater.


  17. sketched out Says:

    Hey, thanks everyone!!! Glad y’all are still coming by, even though I’ve been slacking the past week. Thank you sooo much!

    Tom, I knooooww! His mom forgot to mention the possible lack of princess visits.

    Laurel, your’e so funny! Better put some salve on that lip, hee hee.

  18. this is AWESOME. and i am in love with the color palette

  19. artseafartsea Says:

    Would u believe I was gonna do a frog this time but I am really not motivated actually to do anything. So we will see. Did u know the frog is an endangered species? Anyhoo, the Illo is great and the colors too.

  20. Kelly Says:

    What a wonderful illustration. I love your details (ripples, reflection, little fly) and your coloring is fantastic. You scan and color in photoshop, right?

  21. j.rose Says:

    haha, love it! i was just talking to my husband this morning about this! my gma used to tell me angels ‘would freeze my face like that’ if i made a terrible face! yikes!

  22. sketched out Says:

    Thanks Halloweenville! Good to see you, haven’t seen you in a while!

    Artsea Fartsea, thanks, and I know, it’s crazy how many species of frogs are endangered. I can’t imagine a world without frogs!

    Kelly, thanks so much and yes, I sketch in pencil, scan and colorize in Photoshop. Lately I’ve been using the brushes I downloaded from http://pelicanosypescados.blogspot.com/2008/03/artistic-brushes-para-photoshop-free.html and playing around with making my own. It’s fun!

  23. sketched out Says:

    J. Rose, that’s so cute. I used to love crossing my eyes for fun, and my dad told me they would freeze that way. Mostly, though, it just gave me a headache, hee hee.

  24. This is perfect!! It made me smile the second I looked at it. I love the way he is holding his mouth…great job.

  25. Bobo's slave Says:

    A best answer for “Why frogs got big mouth”! Hilarious illustration.

  26. cheryl Says:

    This is too cool. And that he stretches his wide mouth even wider is even cooler.

  27. wee ellen Says:

    VERY FUNNY!!! Made me laugh, the frog’s character is awesome!

  28. chickengirl Says:

    Thats one really stretchy frog mouth!! That look of his….hahahah!!

  29. Vicki Says:

    I love him.
    I want to make him really big and hang him on my wall.
    He’s so dare cute!

  30. Gerson Says:

    One of the greatest ilustrations that I ever seen here!

  31. Angela Says:

    Ha!!! I love this! The coloring on the frog and the lily pad is especially nice.

    I see he’s been using the Crest Whitestrips. ๐Ÿ˜›

  32. Ribbit Ribbit! That means cute in Ffrog!

  33. Croooaaaaakkkkkk! Love it! I hope it doesn’t stick that way, but he is super cute….

  34. valgalart Says:

    haha i heard this one myself ;P

  35. Tammie Says:

    Cute little critter. Makes me smile. Lovely illo.

  36. Johnne Says:

    Hahaha, this one is really a good one!

  37. Diana Says:

    Wonderful -love your art!

  38. tusen Says:

    hehe, cute. I love the water, too.

  39. dot Says:

    that one is alot of fun!

  40. Kate Says:

    Leave it up to you to come up with something…umm…different. ๐Ÿ™‚ Very cute. And I really like what you do with textures.

  41. timafli Says:

    It is a very pretty frog, I like the colors. Did you paint in watercolor or digitally painted. It is very nice piece, beautifully done.

    Thanks for dropping by and comments.

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